Monday, February 1, 2010


The picture really has no relation. I started this post yesterday and got busy and then forgot all about it. I used this picture because it made me felt sweet inside. Maybe because yesterday I wished I was a butterfly. I wont elaborate. It was just one of those days. It seems like allot of people are having "one of those days" or "times" right now. Incredibly busy and overwhelmed. Well folks it wont be like this for long. That always helps me, knowing that whatever we are going through wont stick around. Time continues to move forward and things change, they get easier or harder, better or worse. Just depends. Today feels better than yesterday. I dont really feel like being a butterfly anymore. Im ok with me.

I havent posted much lately. Mainly because my desktop is down at home and im running off the laptop. I have pictures and stuff to upload to enhance the blog but I dont want to put them on the laptop. So we are left with my musings. Im working on a "huge" project right now that really really really requires my computer. Im on hold and its REALLY stressing me out because now im running out of time and I NEEEEEEED my computer to be fixed. I will know my fate tonight. Hopefully. ;)

Im back in the gym and it feels GOOD! Like really good!! That makes me excited. Im planning family pictures soon and i cant be like "this" in the pictures. :) So I run until I want to puke, I jump rope until my you know whats feel like they are going to fall off or punch me out, I climb stairs until my legs feel like steel posts. I can handle most everything else. I like weights. They make me feel good. Well so does cardio once I come to my senses. I just wish that the rest of my body would tone as fast as my legs do. Its not fair. Mushroom top is getting old. The double chin is just a little bit annoying. But hey it was allot of fun and good times packing on these pounds. haha Se La Vie.......totally dont know how to spell that but it looks ok. right. right. Im going to thank my girlfriend Tana and her tight little butt for motivating me. Seriously. She works me out. She also picks me up at 5:30 in the morning so we can work out together. YES I could totally drive myself there, I know. BUT I dont trust myself. I would find too many excuses to not get my hiney out of bed. Plus we get that many more minutes together each day. Hey we all need girl time. Ok so sometimes Douger is with us but he counts as one of us. Not really, but thats whats so great about our friendship. My husband does spin class with her on Saturday mornings. hehe sssshhhh! DON'T TELL people. Although he is refusing to go until he gets those butt pad pants for protection. She tells him to toughen up! He will get a callous after a while! HAHA thats gross. Thats why we love her.

Alright. Im gone. Until next time. Maybe I will have some pictures to share. Maybe some hot sexy pictures of my hubby in his new glasses. Hes gets them today. NO more eye strain!

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