Saturday, October 25, 2008

Weekend Getaway

Sorry this post is late. Better late than never right? We had the BEST weekend. It was so nice to enjoy eachother without any interruptions. These pictures I originally took to show the kids where Daddy is living while at work. This is the view from his balcony. As you can see it is amazing. Yes he is spoiled! I could sit there for hours. I didnt but I could. :)

This one is a little blurry but its a good one of the pretty kitchen and My hubby's beautiful legs! :) That was one of the many reasons I married him. I feel so lucky to get to have those legs by my side for the rest of our lives! Sounds cheesy but im serious. :)

I will post the rest of the pictures soon and tell about all the fun stuff we did. Washington is beautiful, some parts are better than others, but you get that anywhere you go.

1 comment:

Marc and Stacy said...

Sounds wonderful. I SO need a getaway with Marc! I'm hoping for our anniversary in Dec.