Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter & Birthday

I am really behind with blogging, I just realized I never posted anything about Easter and nothing since then. Aaaggghh where to begin......

Easter Sunday we went to my sister in law's house and enjoyed a fabulous brunch and egghunt with the family. It also happened to be Jordan's birthday, Jordan is one month younger than Taylor exactly, so they are really close and love eachother so much.
Here are a few pictures from the day.....

Jordan and I, Happy Birthday!! That would be her Mommy in the background, with that adorable pregnant belly.
Singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl!

Taking a rest after the egg hunt....

Coleman hunting for eggs......sad to say....I think this was his last year hunting....maybe not, we might get one more year out of him, although I might have to get him to ditch the pillow case! HA

Taylor and Miss Bella

Jen (Zack's cousin) and I......I love this girl and we dont get enough time together :(

The End......there are a ton more pictures and details from the day but I feel overwhelmed with how behind I am.

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