Saturday, October 25, 2008

Weekend Getaway

Sorry this post is late. Better late than never right? We had the BEST weekend. It was so nice to enjoy eachother without any interruptions. These pictures I originally took to show the kids where Daddy is living while at work. This is the view from his balcony. As you can see it is amazing. Yes he is spoiled! I could sit there for hours. I didnt but I could. :)

This one is a little blurry but its a good one of the pretty kitchen and My hubby's beautiful legs! :) That was one of the many reasons I married him. I feel so lucky to get to have those legs by my side for the rest of our lives! Sounds cheesy but im serious. :)

I will post the rest of the pictures soon and tell about all the fun stuff we did. Washington is beautiful, some parts are better than others, but you get that anywhere you go.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Im going to visit my HONEY!!! I will be leaving for a very well deserved weekend away. Yes I will be leaving the kids. I would like to make note that this is a huge trip for me, for a couple reasons. I LOVE to travel but I am a home body. Does that make sense, probably not.
I very rarely interrupt my everyday life to take a break. This weekend took a lot of convincing by the parties involved. I am just a creature of routine, I know its supposed to be habit but routine works better in this situation, so go along with it.
I am soooo happy to be going! My 3 year screaming in the other room is a huge reminder of WHY I need this weekend. Taylor Rose is 3.5 and Mommy has NEVER left her for a weekend. So this is big. I know she will be fine, she will be with family that I know will take PERFECT care of her. She probably wont even miss me :( She will also have her big brother with her. I have recently realized that she needs this as much as I do. The girl is practically connected to my hip. I know its my fault, but I cant help it. I pray she doesnt wake up in the middle of the night looking for me and if she does there will be someone there to comfort her precious little heart. Ok this is going exactly where I didnt want it to go. :)
The BEST part of this weekend is my honey and I will have some well needed alone time. Time to stay out as long as we want and sleep in as long as we want. Knowing Zack we wont be doing any sleeping in. Why waste our precious time sleeping right. :) I am sooo excited and already have all the fun places picked out that I want to see. I probably should leave that part out, I mean Im practically his guest. That sounds funny, but its true. He has all kinds of things he wants to do with me. I will just have to squeeze in a couple stops. ;)
I will post pictures and all the details when I get back. Have a WONDERFUL weekend because I know I will!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This is something i want and need in my life. When I am exercising I feel on top of the world. It has really been hard to balance my time with the kids and work and fitting in time for exercise. I wish I was the type of person that enjoyed working out at home. We have the weights and the means to do what I need to do. I just dont do it. My sister in law has been an inspiration to me. She set a huge goal for herself and surpassed that goal by far in my eyes. She trained hard to participate in a triathlon. Not just any triathlon but a rigorous one at that. Her strong will and dedication enabled her to succeed. She set a goal for herself and let NOTHING get in her way. It was one of the proudest moments I have witnessed and a defining moment for me. If she can do it so can I. Im not planning on starting with a goal that huge. I have set some goals for myself though. I will admit my journey has not started out as good as I had hoped but I will get there. Its hard to fit in the time when you are a one man show but I cant let that defeat me. I have to be creative. I want it, so I will do whatever I can to make it happen. I have started jogging in the evenings, its allot easier than I thought. I am used to waking early and going to the gym before work and getting it over with. I will admit I miss it but not the alarm going off at 4am.

Last night I went to my first pilates class. I LOVED LOVED IT! It was good for me in many ways. The challenge of the class itself at the same time it was soooo relaxing. My Mother in law watched the kids so I could attend the class. I didnt realize how much I needed the break for myself till I got home. Since Zack has been working out of town, I have not had an hour to myself. I really needed that! Thank you Mom!

For those other Moms out there I recommend taking the time to attend a class. There are classes EVERYWHERE and with a quick search Im sure you will find one close to home. Its worth it and you need it.

I sometimes get lost in our everyday life I forget about some of the things I enjoy. I enjoy fitness. I love the payoff I get. Motivating myself to get out there and do it is a struggle sometimes but in the
end I am glad I did. My sister in law is still my inspiration, its a battle she has conquered. I will continue to fight to reach my goals, and will soon be running beside her.

She is Officially a BIG girl!

Everytime we go out shopping I check out the little girl bikes for Taylor. We decided it was her time. We are going through a tough time with Daddy being gone so this was her reward for being a BIG girl. She really surprised me at how big she really is. She has a couple trycicles and scooters which she loves. The scooters she picked up right away. The trycicles took her a little longer. She would do the foot scoot to get around. By the way the girl has some quick feet. I tried to teach her to pedal and she would try a couple times and tell me she couldnt and go back to scooting along. I honestly think it was a preferance for her. She just liked scooting because as soon as I told her " When you start pedaling with your feet Mommy and Daddy will get you a big girl bike" Was it not the next day shes yelling, "Mommy, Mommy guess what? Im pedaling and now I get a BIG girl bike! See!" Well I have to admit I did not keep my promise, well not right away at least. This past weekend Little Miss Taylor Rose got her big girl bike. She was super excited! She even had to have the basket to go on it. Anyone that knows our daughter knows she likes to carry her special things around with her, usually in some type of purse or bag. You never know what you will find in her purse. So the basket was a perfect fit for her. As you can see she has her water bottle and some sort of stuffed animal. Now mind you this is literally minutes after the bike was brought home. The other thing I would like to mention is, Taylor has another helmet, that I think suits her better. Notice this helmet slides off her head a little. Well its just like Bubba's. This was actually bought for him but was too small. So she thinks its hers. Im thinking it might have to find a hiding spot for a little while till she grows into it a little more. ;) Well she amazed me at how fast she picked up riding her bike. She actually goes a little too fast, scares me to death! She had one good spill in front of a parked truck, she did a good job avoiding the truck though, to my amazement hopped right back on. So I have to watch her extra close but she is doing wonderful. If her feet touched the ground more I would consider taking the training wheels off, not quite yet though.

Oh and by the way I do make her wear tennis shoes!!