Monday, September 26, 2011


A few weeks ago I met with Julianne with EPIC photography and she took pictures of the kids. The focus was mostly on Brooklyn since this was her first photo shoot but I wanted to make sure to get all 3 of them.
I will mention Taylor decided she didnt really want to have much to do with it that morning so she didnt have any individual pictures. Next time I guess. Im thinking of doing a session for just her, something fun.
The pictures turned out fantastic!
I should probably mention EPIC photography was giving away a session on FB so I had to try. I ended up losing by a few votes, this crazy chick I was competing with pulled some peeps out of the bag at the last minute, insane. It was probably one of the most stressful fun times I have ever had in a contest and Im sure the other people involved would agree. So being the sweetheart that she is, Julieanne decided to give me the same package as the winner because we both worked so hard. How is that for customer service.
Sorry for the picture overload. These are some of my fav's.

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